Image result for d-star logo
Image result for icom logo


Saturday     7:00 PM ET

Sunday     10:00 AM ET

Check USB/LSB on freq to make sure the freq is clear.

h:00 - h:05 6 mtrs 51.180 DV for 5 mins

h:05 - h:10 10 mtrs 28.570 DV for 5 mins

h:10 - h:15 12 mtrs 24.938 DV for 5 mins

h:15 - h:20 15 mtrs 21.380 DV for 5 mins

h:20 - h:25 17 mtrs 18.148 DV for 5 mins

h:25 - h:30 20 mtrs 14.340 DV for 5 mins

h:30 - h:35 40 mtrs 7.285(or another open freq) DV for 5 mins (this also appears to be an AM frequency)

h:35 - h:40 75 mtrs 3.880 DV for 5 mins (this also appears to be an AM frequency)

Here is a video from K6UDA DSTAR HF Voice simplex on a 705 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45MaJiIXQXo&t=3s

The weekly D-Star HF Net has been in existence since 2011 now. The website HF D-Star QSO Finder (hf.d-star-relay.net) is on 24/7 to help D-Star users to find and coordinate other D-Star users and make contacts. 

The net has been a success because of the many D-Star users being on frequency. The original purpose was to prove if you can do DSTAR on HF and how far you can take it. We have done that and “have the T-Shirt”<g>. The useful purpose now is to allow new DSTAR HF equipment owners to make contacts, learn about DSTAR HF and improve their shack by evaluating antennas and other devices.

D-Star Repeater Net

Monday evenings at 7:15 PM (MT) on one or more of the local El Paso D-Star repeaters (see below) linked to Reflector 55A.  All with D-STAR capability are welcome to participate. We are also active on the AE5HE RATflector (Host Adr: ae5he.ham-radio-op.net use port 9000) Early Check-ins will be taken on D-RATS in the El Paso Chat Room starting at 7 PM (Mountain Time). Click on Join Channel and enter El_Paso then click OK. Click the #El_Paso tab to enter the chat room.

Local El Paso D-Star Repeaters:

1. 146.620 D-STAR repeater, W5ELP module C (South Comanche Peak, El Paso) (Currently has a controller programming issue)

2. 440.650 D-Star repeater, KG5ZPX module B (west El Paso up into Las Cruses, NM). This repeater is an ircDDB repeater and can link to all the other XRF, DCS, etc. repeaters

3. 145.11 D-Star repeater, K5WPH module C

4. 443.225 D-Star repeater, K5WPH module B 


DAY            TIME (MDT)      NAME                                               REFLECTOR

Sunday 3:00 PM Picture Net   REF029A

Sunday        6:00 PM            INTL D-STAR NET                          REF091C

Sunday        6:30 PM            MINNESOTA D-STAR NET             XLX632A

Sunday        7 PM                 SE WX D-STAR NET                       REF002A

Sunday        8 PM                WISCONSIN D-STAR NET               REF019B

Monday       6 PM                 MID-ATLANTIC D-STAR NET          REF020A

Monday   6 PM AMERICAN LEGION D-STAR NET   REF056C  1st Monday of month only. On echo-link KY4RW-L

Monday       7:15 PM            EL PASO D-STAR NET                    REF055A

Tuesday      6:30 PM            ARK-LA-TX D-STAR NET                  XRF757A

Tuesday      7 PM                 TEXAS D-STAR NET                        REF004B

Tuesday      7:30 PM            ALABAMA D-STAR NET                  REF058B

Tuesday      9 PM                 PAPA SYSTEM D-STAR NET           REF012A

Wednesday 6 PM                 WED NIGHT WISCONSIN NET        REF019B

Wednesday 7:30 PM D-STAR PICTURE NET   REF055D

Wednesday after ham nation HAM NATION D-STAR NET       REF014B

Wednesday 8 PM                ILLINOIS D-STAR NET                      REF001B

Thursday    7 PM                 FLORIDA D-STAR NET                     REF046C

Thursday    7:30 PM            C.E.R.T. D-STAR NET                       REF058A

Thursday   8 PM NEBRASKA D-STAR NET   REF002C 

Thursday     8 PM                NEW MEXICO D-STAR NET             REF055A

Thursday     9 PM                PAPA SYSTEM ROUNDTABLE        XRF002A

Friday          7:30 PM           MEMPHIS ARC D-STAR NET           REF058A

Saturday      5:30 PM         COASTAL CAROLINA NET             REF061A

Saturday      7 PM                 ARIZONA D-STAR NET                    REF009C (Arizona Time)

Saturday   7:30 PM Iowa D-Star Net   XLX 632A

Saturday      8 PM                SATURDAY NIGHT D-STAR NET     REF029A

Mon -Fri   8AM DRE Morning D-Star Net   REF029A

"Digital voice is defined in the Commission’s rules based on content as voice (i.e. phone), not data, per Section 97.3(c)(5) of the Rules."

Sending Pictures and Text Messages with your D-Star Radios

The D-Star Picture Net now has a Facebook page!  Go to your Facebook page and in the search bar, type in Dstar Picture Net and the page should pop up.

Watch the Announcement page and the Calendar for when the next D-Star Picture Net will be held. 

New D-Star Picture Net Format

The D-Star Picture net is every Wednesday evening  on REF055d at 200014hrs.

The RS-MS1A Android App (available in Google Play) users with the ID-31A PLUS, ID-51A PLUS (anniversary model) and 51A Plus2, ID-52, IC-705, ID-4100, ID-5100, IC-7100 and IC-9700 radios will need the OPC2350LU data cable. If the Bluetooth module is installed in the 705, 4100, 5100 and 9700  then the cable is not needed. The RS-MS1l App (available in iTunes Store) for iOS users can also be used with the ID-4100 radio only.  We will be exchanging pictures, text messages, and positional information.

There is a free Windows app, ST-4001W from ICOM and ST-4001A (available on Google Play) that processes any .jpg or .png picture to the right pixel size and can add a signature or label to the edge. You can use the ST-4001 app to send the formatted picture over ethernet to the radio *or* just copy it into the /IC9700/Pictures folder on the IC-9700 , IC-705 or ID-52A/E formatted microSD card or to the Android device. Once the photos you want are copied, you can just plug the microSD back into the 9700 radio. The new pictures are then available to send from the choices that are available when the PICTURE menu is opened on the radio. You also may take, edit, and transfer the pictures from the iPhone, or android device using the ST4001W(A) ICOM free app. A picture can be taken with a phone, edited, and then transferred to the SD card. For the other radios you need to use the serial cable. 

Here is how we rate the pictures on the net. It depends on how many blocks are missing in the received picture.

P-1= Perfect picture

P-1 Minus= 1-5 blocks missing

P-2= less than 25% of blocks missing

P-3= less than 50% of blocks missing

P-4= less than 75% of blocks missing

P-5= No picture

Kenwood D74 Handheld Setup (courtesy of K4DJL, W4LKS and WA7BFN)

Hey all...

You can send and receive pictures from the RS-MS1 app through your '74, using fast data mode by using a Bluetooth connection from the app to the '74.  The RS-MS1 app is available free in the Google Play Store.  My understanding is that the Apple IOS devices will not connect to the '74 using Bluetooth.  These instructions are for Android devices.

Clues for you:

Thanks to Duff - WA7BFN for helping me work out these steps, and improving them.


Randy Wilkinson, W4LKS

El Erby

DJ at Large

Office 334-260-9732

Cell 334-799-1239





The format for this net is much like a voice net in that check ins will be taken and then the NCS will direct when the stations will send their pictures.

Not all hotspots will support the Fast Data mode however, pretty much all will support the Slow Data mode. We are seeing that the older hotspots have issues with coding being outdated. Many are no longer supported be their creator. The newer hotspots such as the openSPOT2 and 3 work really well with the latest version of firmware. The DVMEGA with the BlueDV firmware is another excellent choice. The developers of these two devices have been willing to work with us and ensure that the features are supported.

Troubleshooting an issue:

Here is what you requested regarding the issue I was having on the picture net and thank you again for taking a few mins to come to 58C on Friday evening so you could see the results.


Troubleshooting sending pictures with the Bluetooth using the Icom RS-MS1A app.

Radio and Hotspot:

I'm using an Icom ID-5100A radio with an openspot3 along with the RS-MS1A app on the phone.

I also purchased the ZUMspot to see if it was the openspot3 causing the issue. So here is what I found out.


During the D-Star Picture Net on REF055D, I was using the Openspot3 and also the ZUMspot. The problem I was having was with the transmission of sending pictures on the net. What the transmission would do is sound like it was keying up and keying down the radio during the transmissions of the pictures. Net Control and other Ham Operators reported that they did not receive the pictures while others reported 50% to 75% loss of the pictures. I also switched to a different reflector and was working with W0CLF and the same results repeated.


So after many unsuccessful attempts. I was working with W4GLE on another reflector, we were on the phone so I was able to hear what the transmission sounded like. I was in shock of what It was doing. I turned off the GPS and the problem remained. I rebooted the radio, the hotspots, and my internet connection and the problem still existed. So at this point I was wondering if it could be in the radio, the Bluetooth board in the radio or the Bluetooth in my phone causing the issue. So I reinitialized the Bluetooth in the radio, unpaired the radio in the phone, and after pairing the phone back with the radio. The problem was still there. So at this point in the testing I was unsure what to do, so I decided to reboot the phone and retest which was the last thing to do to solve the problem as I remembered that It had been a few days since my last reboot of the phone. After rebooting the phone, I started the Icom RS-MS1A app and linked the phone to the radio and sent a picture. The result was a perfect picture. W4GLE and I sent many pictures back and forth to see if it would do it again and it was a perfect picture every time. 

Then after a couple days I contacted KB5HPT the NCS for the Picture Net, to demonstrate my results. Now, It had been a couple days since I rebooted the phone, so I wanted to see if it would do it again and to my amazement it did the same thing as before. It keyed up and keyed down just like before, So I rebooted the phone and sent the picture again and the problem was resolved. Perfect picture.

So if you are having issues like this and you are using Bluetooth to transmit your pictures to your radio. Try rebooting the devices, such as a phone or a tablet, radio, hotspots, internet connections and retest again. Sometimes just the simplest things can be solved by just a simple reboot.

Hope this helps you out,

73 de KE0YTP

The following was contributed by Jim, NE8U. Thank You Jim.

What is D-PRS?

D-PRS (D-Star Position Reporting System) is APRS for D-STAR. As we know, D-Star radios in DV mode are capable of sending voice while also providing a data stream which can include GPS information. D-PRS converts ICOM D-STAR radio GPS information into APRS. Most D-STAR repeaters now have D-PRS implemented on the gateway, and can send these D-PRS packets to the APRS Internet Server network. APRS maps show real-time APRS information and can track D-STAR stations on the Internet. Newer D-Star radios have integrated GPS capabilities, and others can have a GPS unit plugged into them.

Why use D-PRS?

While there are many uses for D-PRS, the big advantage is situational awareness in the local area in the event of an emergency response such as severe weather reporting, search and rescue, direction finding, traffic reporting, and assisting Net Control keeping track of the amateur operators providing support.

How to use D-PRS.

Using D-PRS is quite simple. Make sure the GPS is on: Menu->GPS->GPS Set->GPS Select->Internal GPS

Confirm that the GPS receiver is receiving your position and time. The GPS icon blinks when searching for satellites and stops blinking when the minimum number of needed satellites are found.

Set up D-PRS: Menu->GPS->GPS TX Mode->D-PRS(DV-A)

Here, you set a symbol to show up on the map. A house, car, or person depending on how you will use D-PRS are good choices. Also set the SSID. This is used to differentiate your call sign, again depending on how you will use D-PRS. 

Common SSIDs are:

-0 Your primary fixed station -7 HT's or other human portable -8 boats, sailboats, RV's or second main mobile -9 Primary Mobile 

So, if you are using an HT such as the ID-51a, you would use a person symbol and -7 SSID. Then you will show up on the map as a person icon labeled MYCALL-7.

It is important to set the automatic GPS message transmission to OFF, as it will cause unnecessary traffic on the D-STAR system. Of course, there may be situations when you will want to automatically send your position periodically.

Menu->GPS->GPS Auto Mode->OFF

You must set your RPT2 to allow for gateway operation otherwise you will not be gated to APRS-IS. Configure your radio like you would for making a gateway call. Set your URCALL to CQCQCQ, RPT1 to the repeater call, and RPT2 to the gateway call (repeater call with "G" in the eighth position). For example, if you are using the west-side repeater it should look like this (substituting your call sign for MYCALL, of course):


Once you've got everything configured, transmit for a few seconds and then check Findu.com for your position report. Use the following URL, again substituting your call for "MYCALL": http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=MYCALL-7

Here are some other useful links:



Enjoy! 73

QuadNet2  Network

The QuadNet2 Network is an open ircDDB routing network. The QuadNet Network fully supports the use of dongles, hotspots and repeaters (both homebrew and ICOM) on the QuadNet network. The purpose of QuadNet is to support callsign routing. Callsign routing is an alternate method of connecting to other D-Star users. It does NOT require your gateway to know the IP addresses of reflectors or repeaters to which you want to connect.

For a long time, it has been understood that you can't route when you are using a mobile rig (like a hot-spot that uses a cellphone for its Internet connection) because routing uses port 40000. QuadNet, has solved that. You can Group Route to any Smart Group, whether you are operating from your home, or you are operating a mobile rig!

The QuadNet Array consists of the following linked reflectors, routed Smart Groups, and DMR:

QuadNet Smart Groups

D-STAR Reflectors:



D-RATS is a low speed data program designed to be used with D-Star radios. It was created by Dan Smith, KK7DS for his local ARES Group. D-RATS is an all in one program in that it does message transfers, is a real time chat page, it allows for file transfers, and has a map feature.

The Message Tab has some formatted message forms such as ICS Forms etc. Just fill in the blanks and send them to the intended recipient. On the Message Tab click on New and then choose the form you want to send.

Click on File and then select Message Templates. You can create your own formatted messages.

The Chat Tab allows for having real time conversations with others logged on to D-RATS. 

Files Tab will allow others to upload or download files from other stations D-RATS Shared Folder.

D-RATS also has a map feature that is powered by Open Streets Map. We can be assured that the maps we view are always current. Map symbols can be added to the map. Mobiles that are running D-Star radios with D-PRS (similar to APRS) enabled can be viewed live as they travel around. Stations call signs are displayed at the bottom of the map. Click on a call sign and see the positional information and the distance and direction from your location.

Visit and join the D-RATS Groups.io website at https://groups.io/g/d-rats

Click on the Databases Tab and get a list of all the active RATflectors that are available. Enter these RATflectors in the Radios Tab in D-RATS. (File>>Preferences>>Radio).

Click on the File Tab. You will find helpful files. There is a new version of D-RATS available now. This version fixes a lot of the problems that have plagued D-RATS with the changing technology.

Click on the Messages Tab to see what everyone is talking about.